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Recent blog posts about 'muscles'

Why Muscles Get Sore

Posted by on September 10, 2008 at 10:45 am

Muscle soreness is caused by tiny tears in your muscle tissues. It might sound bad but it isn’t really that bad a thing, especially if the soreness was a result of exercises the day before or two days before.

The tears in the muscle tissues are caused by overworking your muscles. It may be caused by a whole range of exercises. From short distance sprinting to running a marathon. From lifting heavy weights or simple aerobics. As long as the muscles were “overloaded”, aches will occur.

Usually in weight training, many newbies are deterred from following up with their first few sessions because they feel a immobilizing soreness all over their body. Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness a.k.a DOMS causes muscles to be extremely sore on the second day prior to day of exercise. Many are discouraged from going to the gym again. Continue reading "Why Muscles Get Sore"

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